Monday, 13 July 2020

I've Got a Brand New Pair of Roller Skates

I've Got a Brand New Pair of Roller Skates...”

Well, no I haven't, in fact I've never had a pair of roller skates furthermore my one attempt at roller skating was about as successful as my one attempt at ice skating. No, this was just the line of a song by Melanie that I couldn't get off my mind last week.
Melanie was, as it happens, one of my favourite singers from the 1960's and 70's but this column is not about her. 
So, if it's not about roller skates or Melanie what is it about?

I've been writing these columns, or blogs if you prefer, since 2008. With no editor and no restrictions it's sometimes hard to resist the temptation to just let off steam and write an angry piece about something that particularly annoys or upsets me. Okay I did manage to write about Brexit, which made me at times very angry indeed, without using any bad language but it wasn't easy. Corona seems to have provided me with more humour, especially in the form of cartoons, than maybe it should. Nonetheless there are still plenty of things in the world to get angry about! The plight of millions of refugees. The rise of nationalism and populism. The polarisation of opinions. Racial and other inequalities in our societies, anti-Semitism, modern slavery, the needless destructions of natural habitats causing the extinction, or near extinction, of many wild animals and more. I have often, in my head,  formulated quite lengthy, angry but well argued articles on most of the above. So why haven't I published them? Well firstly because the articles in my head often turn out to be rambling, disjointed, too long and not well agrgued at all when transferred to print.
If my outrage has been caused by a particular event, by the time I get around to writing about it the the news will have moved on and my anger may well have subsided.
Also I really don't want to add to the stream of negativity that tends to result from 24/7 news coverage. There is always some natural or man made disaster taking place somewhere. Worldwide there are always demonstrations, war, crime waves, cruelty and injustices  happening somewhere. That doesn't mean they are happening all the time everywhere!

Yes I had planned a column on racial discrimination and anti-Semitism. On how I've never really been able to understand either. There are enough people I dislike but judging an individual by the race, colour, nationality or religion they belong to is for me both unthinkable and unacceptable and has been since I was really very young.
But there is another compelling reason for not delivering a bad tempered lecture on these or other topics. I think that most who choose to read these columns are like most of my friends: we can and will disagree on details, sometimes heatedly, but on the whole we have much the same opinions on most serious subjects.
I would, in effect, be shouting at the wrong people – preaching to the converted!

So what I've decided to tell you today is simply that I have a brand new bicycle.
Despite being a cyclist for years I haven't had many really new bikes.
I've had it for a week and I'm as happy as a child with a pair of roller skates!
